Updated Land Use Map

The City of Ventura released the updated draft land use designation descriptions and land use designation map for the General Plan Update on September 6. The updated materials are based on hundreds of public comments on the land use designation and land use map that was available for public comment in April and May of 2024. The public input resulted in significant changes to the land uses designations and the application of those designations to the land use designation map.

The community will have the opportunity to provide input on the updated materials from September 6 through October 21, 2024. 

Background Materials

The following materials are available to help the community understand the new land use designations and land use map. 

  1. Technical Background Memo. This document summarizes the changes made to the land use designations and how these changes were reflected on the updated land use designation map. Please read this document first.

  2. Updated Land Use Designations. This document describes the updated and revised land use designation descriptions. It also includes a summary of the major changes made from the previous version of the land use designations. 

  3. Updated Land Use Designation Map. This file is a printable PDF version of the land use map.  

  4. Reference Maps. The previous Draft Land Use Designation Map and 2005 General Plan Map are provided for reference.  

  5. Interactive, Online GIS Map. The interactive map provides parcel-level information on the existing land use, existing General Plan land use designation (from 2005), zoning district, the initial proposed land use designation (from the fall of 2023) and the new proposed land use designation. 

  6. StoryMap. This online document includes a series of images that show the changes made to the land use designation map. The intent of the StoryMap is to provide a user-friendly, accessible way for the community to understand the land use map.  

  7. Response to Public Comments from the Land Use Feedback Form. This detailed table lists all public comments received from the public during the Spring of 2024 and staff’s response to each comment. The public comments and responses are also mapped by parcel on an interactive web map.

Opportunity for Public Input

There are multiple opportunities for the public to learn about the changes to the land use designations and map.  

  • Online Feedback Form. The best way to provide comments on the updated land use designations and updated land use designation map is to use the online feedback form. The new map-based tool allows participants to click a spot on the map and leave a comment. This version is more user friendly than the Spring feedback form. Public comment will be open for six weeks from September 6 until October 21. 

  • September 11 GPAC Meeting. A General Plan Advisory Committee meeting was held September 11, 2024, from 6:00 – 8:30 pm at the City Hall Community Room. The General Plan team provided a detailed overview of the updated land use designations and land use designation map. The GPAC was able to ask questions about the new maps and there was a public comment period. 

  • Community Council Meetings. City staff will be attending Community Council meetings to provide an overview of the changes to the land use designations and land use designation map, inform the community how to provide input on the map, and discuss the next steps for the overall General Plan effort. The meeting days and times are listed below. Please contact your appropriate Community Council to receive agenda and meeting login information. 

    • Pierpont Community Council - 9/17 (virtual) 

    • Eastside Community Council - 9/19 (virtual) 

    • College Area Community Council - 9/25 (virtual) 

    • Montalvo Community Council - 10/1 (virtual) 

    • Westside Community Council - 10/2 (in person) 

    • Midtown Community Council - 10/10 (in person) 

  • Office Hours. City Staff will hold an in-person office hours 

    • Tuesday September 17, 2024 from 12:00 – 2:00 pm at Room 133 at City Hall and  

    • Additional office hours may be added.  

  • One-on-one Meetings with Staff. If members of the public cannot attend the office hours, please contact Sue Torres by phone at 805-677-3921 or via email at storres@cityofventura.ca.gov) to set up an appointment to meet with city staff to review the land use map. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact the General Plan Team through the Contact page or by sending us an email at planventura@cityofventura.ca.gov.